
The 10 hottest plays from Worlds 2016 so far

Check our run-down of the critical plays from the past 14 days of group stage action.
Written by Justin Mahboubian-Jones
5 min readPublished on
Pros who make plays bring home the pay

Pros who make plays bring home the pay

© Riot Esports Flickr

Week 2 of the League of LegendsWorld Championship has come to a close. Only half the original cohort remains, and as we reflect on the talented teams that have forced their way into the quarter finals, it’s an appropriate time to celebrate the best moments of the winners, and losers, from the past two weeks.
Whether they move onward or not, every team has displayed bursts of brilliance, and we’ve been hoarding these nuggets since the first match on September 29. Barons have been stolen, whole teams have been wiped in a heartbeat, and ridiculous outplays have delighted the crowds.
The list below represents the highlights of the competition which had us, in those few seconds, heart in mouth. Regardless of whether the match as a whole was lacklustre, these precious engagements were precious treats.
Gank and counter gank Svenskeren and Bjergsen
This is an incredible read and counter from Svenskeren in TSM’s match against SSG. Ambition positions himself for the gank against Hauntzer, but Svenskeren jukes out the cocoon and he and Hauntzer turn the tables. The unsung hero of this clip is Bjergsen, who times a perfect roam at 20:40 from mid to land the stun on Ambition and secure the second kill.
Killing, Kennen style Smeb
In what will undoubtedly go down as one of the smoothest interjections in a teamfight during the entire tournament, Smeb decimated a clustered G2 esports as Kennen. The true beauty of this play at 54:50 – other than the fact it removes four players from the field in one foul swoop, Smeb’s patience is also impressive. He carefully waits on the sidelines while Peanut takes a beating until the moment is right, and only once G2 are packed together does he unleash hell.
Synchronised Sweeps Likkrit, Smurf
Albus Nox Luma, a wildcard entry into Worlds 2016, have lived up to the name in style. Many didn’t expect the Russian team to display such tenacity or skill, but near-perfect engagements like the above are hard to argue with. The first kill on Aprhomoo is impressive in itself, but it’s how the ANX follow up the superb Bard ultimate from Likrit at 06:30 that makes this a fantastic play. Smurf’s Keeper’s Verdict on Huhi, and wall-slam against Xmithie both keep the enemy in place long enough to come out of the trade 3 / 0.
Stun and stars Maple
There are many ways to contest an objective: siege it, dive it, take it when no one’s looking. Or you could create a screen-wide stun that forces your opponents to run for the hills. Congratulations Maple, we’ve never seen an Aurelion sol Q quite so enormous. In the Flash Wolves game against SKT T1 at 55:50, the midlaner nurses a Starsurge down the entire lane, upon arrival forcing the world champions away from the inhibitor and stealing securing a lane of super minions.
2 v 1 riposte Zhiv
This play from AHQ’s Zhiv reminds us of two important facts. Number one: everyone should fear Zhiv. Number two: when you’re being ganked, minions are your best friend. Not only does he survive an incoming gank from Revolta’s Lee Sin, but he even does the legwork for Westdoor to pick up the kill on INTZ’s Yang. It’s a remarkable turnaround that required clear thinking and a cool head on the part of Zhiv, who knows that Revolta will pick up significant minion aggro in the attempt to take him down.
You’re coming down with me Impact
Another superb 1 versus 2 recovery at 21:25 here, as showcased by Cloud 9’s Impact. Yes, he dies in the process, but that’s not the point –impact changes a potential 0 / 1 trade into a 2 / 1, thereby easing pressure on his team across the map.
That’s my Baron, thanks Peanut
Baron steals have been a signature the ROX Tigers’ plays since the tournament began, most noticeably during their first match against Aldus Nox. There was, however, one example of objective pilfering that stood out from the rest, above at 3:33. Yes, Peanut burns two summoner spells in the process of thieving Baron from G2 esports, but the sacrifice – along with his own life – is more than worth the cost. It just goes to show that you don’t need to be on the other side of the wall to be a sneak.
Tower? What tower? Clearlove
This unearthly engage from Clearlove at 11:35 showcases the best of what Hecarim has to offer. Devastating charge puts him in exactly the right position to then fire Onslaught of shadows into the members of AHQ. A feared Zilean has no time to fire off Chronoshift before biting the dust and the tier 2 tower falls to pieces. When the engage is so terrifyingly strong, even sitting between a tier 1 and tier 2 tower can’t help you. It’s a great display of team coordination as the rest of EDG push forward into AQH territory to join the fight at precisely the right moment.
One Man Army Jankos
If you’re going to make an entrance in Worlds, then make it a dramatic one. Jankos follows this law to the letter in this fight against EDG at 1:10, single-handedly swinging the losing fight into his team’s favour as well as stealing the dragon from under their noses. There’s almost nothing we don’t like about this.
Worlds 2016 continues on October 13 in Chicago. We’ll be bringing you updates throughout the rest of the competition and analysing its progress. For more eSports coverage, follow @RedBulleSports on Twitter and like us on Facebook