Inside the Porsche LMP1 team with Mark Webber

Exclusive: Mark Webber gives RedBull.com the lowdown on his Porsche LMP1 team-mates
Written by Jonathan Campkin
3 min readPublished on
MW reveals all about his team-mates

MW reveals all about his team-mates

© Porsche Motorsport

When you're an endurance driver, it's not just the gruelling races but testing, training and team events that mean you spend an awful lot of time with your team-mates. You get to learn their good traits, their biggest grumbles and most importantly their bad habits. So, we asked former Infiniti Red Bull Racing starMark Webber to give us the lowdown on the other Porsche LMP1 drivers. Which star needs a new wardrobe? Who spends the longest in the shower? Mark reveals all in this exclusive interview...
The Porsche LMP1 squad

The Porsche LMP1 squad

© Porsche Motorsport

Best Banter

Romain Dumas. No contest! If you want a joke or a funny story, Romain's the only man for the job. He is just full of endless pranks and they get me almost every time. I've tried to get him back a few times but he's good. He's usually plotting something on race weekends, so you have to keep your wits about you. He's done some pretty quirky things like picking up hitchhikers but it's all for a good laugh.

Loudest in the debrief

Me. I'll probably have to take this one on the chin and admit I can be quite vocal. I like to have a bit of a chirp now and then to keep the guys on their toes. The engineers sat either side of me certainly have the Aussie twang ringing in their ears by the time we've discussed the whole race.
MW getting ready himself

MW getting ready himself

© Porsche Motorsport

Snappiest dresser 

Timo Bernhard. He's pretty slick and got some nice gear. Unfortunately the same can't be said for Nico Hulkenberg. Some of his tops with different patterns and flowers on the back are dubious to say the least! Recently he also pitched up in ripped jeans, trying to be cool, and we let him know about it. Of course, the boys try and give me a bit back but I stick to the jeans, t-shirt and trainers combo wherever I can.

Best beats 

Timo Bernhard. Both Timo and I are into our 80s classics so we often get those on the speakers in the car on the way to the track. Timo's got some good tunes so that's how we roll. I share my preparation area with Brendon Hartley and he's definitely got a more modern taste in music. It's passable though, so I go with that too.
Timo usually has 80s classics in his ears

Timo usually has 80s classics in his ears

© Porsche Motorsport

Longest in the shower 

Brendon Hartley. He likes to take care of himself. His partner Sarah has told me that he takes longer in the bathroom than her. Apparently he's pushing 30 minutes to get ready so he must be rattling through the beauty products!
Brendon getting ready

Brendon getting ready

© Porsche Motorsport

Best trainer 

Timo Bernhard. He absolutely loves his training and takes it very seriously. He's very regimented, does it without fail and reaps the rewards. We all train exceptionally hard though because of what's at stake. At the races Porsche look after us very well in terms of our catering and it's hard to resist all the temptations on the dessert buffet! We do have a few with a sweet tooth, like Nick Tandy, who likes his English puds on the odd occasion. I'm no angel myself but I try to stick to dark chocolate if I'm falling off the rails.
Mark talking tunes with Timo

Mark talking tunes with Timo

© Porsche Motorsport

Most intelligent

Marc Lieb. The guy's an engineer and knows everything. The detail he can go into is just flabbergasting. You've got to give credit to Neel Jani too for his language skills. One minute he's speaking French, the next German and then English, which I've got serious respect for. I know a little bit of German but only enough to get by on some subjects in the debriefs.