Tekken character or Final Fantasy summon?
© Bandai Namco

The 10 most absurd Tekken characters

Animals against robots. The world of Tekken is full of crazy match-ups.
By Matthias Regge & Yassin Hussein
2 min readPublished on
Tekken has never taken itself completely seriously. With Animals, robots, and dinosaurs on the selectable roster, The absurdity knows no bounds. Here are the 10 Iron Fist fighters who take uniqueness to an extreme.

10) Gigas

Gigas: 100% muscle and red spandex

Gigas: 100% muscle and red spandex

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 7
A muscle mountain with tens of tubes, red spandex, and a scary helmet. Not perfectly crazy; but visually irritating enough to make this list.

9) Yoshimitsu

The "Mechanised Space Ninja" - Yoshimitsu

The "Mechanised Space Ninja" - Yoshimitsu

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 1
A veteran of the series. He was already called "Space Ninja" and has experienced several visual changes. Their design in part 7 continues to go in the direction of "JRPG Endboss".

8) Akuma

A remnant from Tekken x Street Fighter?

A remnant from Tekken x Street Fighter?

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 7 (or Super Street Fighter 2)
When Akuma was announced for Tekken 7, many couldn't believe their eyes. The Street Fighter villain is anything but your average character choice.

7) Angel & Devil

A heavenly conflict

A heavenly conflict

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 2
Tekken has a lot of devil themes. After all, the ruler of hell lies in the blood of the Mishima family. In Tekken 2, in addition to Devil, the counterpart Angel could also be unlocked.

6) True Ogre

"That? Oh, that's just my snake arm!"

"That? Oh, that's just my snake arm!"

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 3
A mix of Medusa, demon and satyr. True Ogre is a true monster. He was the final boss in Tekken 3, which makes sense because of his huge on screen presence

5) Mokujin

"Who did you call blockhead?"

"Who did you call blockhead?"

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 3
Mokujin is "Random-Select" with style. If you choose the wooden puppet as your fighter, he imitates a different character each round. From Pinocchio to Punch-nocchio.

4) Kuma & Panda

The two of them are real bear-serkers.

The two of them are real bear-serkers.

© Namco Bandai

First appearance: Tekken 1 (Kuma), Tekken 3 (Panda)
While the two simple bears seem similar, Kuma boxes the opponent with a fish through the ring… and Panda wears cute outfits.

3) Gon

Manga dragon Gon fights his way through Tekken 3

Manga dragon Gon fights his way through Tekken 3

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 3
This is the short-armed dragon Gon in the manga series of the same name. Joining in Tekken 3, the small monster was allowed to join the Iron Fist Tournament, allowing him to box and… fence.


Mensch gegen gigantische Todesmaschine

Mensch gegen gigantische Todesmaschine

© Bandai Namco

First appearance: Tekken 6
Anyone who thought that True Ogre is a massive character has not seen NANCY yet. The robot easily takes up 40% of the screen. Mirror matches become an optical overload of a special kind.

1st Roger & Alex

Als die Tiere das Gym verließen

Als die Tiere das Gym verließen

© Namco Bandai

First appearance: Tekken 2
When you think you've seen everything in a fighting game, Tekken does you one better. Where do we put in our wishes for upcoming characters? Can we finally get an alligator?