© Square Enix

7 Marvel's Avengers combat tips every hero needs to know

Avenger's Assemble!
Written by Vikki Blake
4 min readPublished on
Marvel's Avengers aren't afraid of getting into a scrap or two, but it's safe to say that in the heat of combat in Square Enix's all-new hero adventure, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of AIM enemies looking to put you down for good.
Though every hero has their own particular skill-set – from flying to morphing out of the way of enemy projectiles – there are, thankfully, also a number of similarities between the characters, too. So, regardless of what Avenger you're rocking, here are seven essential tips to help your hero be in tip-top condition no matter where – or what – they're fighting. Avenger's Assemble!


Beam me up


© Square Enix

HARM – which stands for the Holographic Augmented Reality Machine – offers battle simulations to help you get used to the controls, powers, and different skills offered by the full roster of Heroes. By taking each character you unlock into a HARM tutorial, you'll not only get some practice taking on simulated fights, but you'll also get to grips with each character's particular skill set, too.
Given the Avengers differ so much – some characters fly, for instance, while others can wall-dash – it's worth taking a quick breather from the campaign when you unlock a new pal to try each one on for size. You'll be glad you've done so by the end of the single-player campaign…

Rock on and lock-on

Ms. Marvel is a scrappier hero than the older, wiser, Avengers

Ms. Marvel is a scrappier hero than the older, wiser, Avengers

© Square Enix

Locking on to enemies helps you concentrate your efforts on a single opponent rather than risk being overwhelmed as you dish out your fury on several at once. This is particularly satisfying if you're in multiplayer with a pal or two and all of you can simultaneously all wail on the same poor AIM servant. Well... all's fair in love and war, right?

Take out turrets and flying enemies first

A screenshot from Marvel’s Avengers.

Will you play as Iron Man in Marvel’s Avengers?

© Square Enix

Turrets are easily the game's most destructive enemies, so spend some time scoping out turrets and flying bots before you take on the bad guys swarming the ground. Not only do the turrets' lasers do serious damage, but they are also deadly accurate, too, so before you do anything else, look for wall-mounted guns, including on the top of buildings and doorways. Don't forget that every Avenger has the ability to do ranged damage, too, so ensure they're gone before you get into hand-to-hand combat.

Learn to Parry


Hit 'up' on the D-pad to ping all important information around you

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Before they unleash a critical attack, many enemies will telegraph their plans by displaying a yellow or blue icon above their heads as they strike.
Counter the move with a parry, however, and you'll not only stop the attack, but you'll stun the enemy too. This mechanic is crucial for taking on shielded enemies, so if you can't vault over them to sneak in an attack behind, take time to master parrying - it's oh-so-worth it.
Oh, and FYI: the red icons intimate the attack can't be countered, so just dodge if you see one of those coming your way!

Terrify with your Take Downs


Explore every nook and cranny in a level to maximise your assets

© Square Enix

Take Downs aren't finishers – despite the cool animation you see – but they can deal out a lot of damage, so if you see an enemy stumbling around with the Take Down prompt above their heads, capitalise on it.
If you've been particularly effective in dealing out those combos you might see more than one, and if that's the case, prioritise the big boys – with them out of the way, it'll make it much easier for you. Don't forget successful takedowns will regen your health, too.

Run away!


Explore every inch of the Beta, and you may just find a surprise

© Square Enix

While there's no doubt that the best way to level up, unlock skill points, and gather loot comes from duking it out, sometimes a Hero's best strategy is retreat. While most of the time you'll be taking on enemies at around the same Power level as your hero, it's very easy to get overwhelmed by the number of bad guys, particularly in the early game. Therefore, if you're able to grab the contents of a chest or destroy a bank of servers without clearing an area of foes, do it. No-one will think badly of you, Hero.

Life on the range

Avengers Assemble!

Avengers Assemble!

© Square Enix

Every Avenger boasts their own ranged attack, but it's easy to forget this when you're in the thick of it. If you're being overwhelmed – or cautious because respawning is restricted – sometimes it's beneficial to get up high and punch down… literally. Though enemies will eventually follow you up there, this way you can protect yourself against melee damage and slowly chip away at enemy shields before you get back into the fray.
Marvel's Avengers is out now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.