Battlegrounds Mobile India

5 simple tips for beginners to Battlegrounds Mobile India

If you are new to the recently launched BGMI title, read up about how you can quickly improve your gameplay with these basic tips from pro gamers.
Written by Soham Rane
3 min readPublished on
Red Bull M.E.O. is the largest mobile esports competition in the world. Red Bull M.E.O. Season 4 India will feature a tournament in Battlegrounds Mobile India. To know more and to participate, visit
Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is the new Indian title to the uber popular PUBG Mobile game.
The basic gameplay remains the same as its predecessor and many PUBG Mobile pro gamers who were waiting for the title to launch quickly jumped right into it.
If you are new to the game, trying to figure it out, or just generally haven’t played a lot of mobile-based battle royale titles, a few easy tips may help you get started.
Here Kratos and Krantiveer of Team IND, a pro BGMI squad, list some good tips beginners to the game.

Tip 1: Spend some time in understanding the map

Battlegrounds Mobile India

Learn the map when you start playing


We often underestimate how important it is to be aware and precise with our movement around the map in BGMI. Even if you’ve glanced through the map, chances are that you haven’t really focused on how you can go about manoeuvring and which places tend to be high conflict zones. Understanding the map is the simplest and quickest route to becoming a better player, say Kratos and Kr. So be patient in learning the map and practice strategies based on what you learn.

Tip 2: Find out the best sensitivity for every gun and practice it

The next big step for a beginner is understanding the sensitivity that works best for your gun. Every gun has limitations, and rather than force the gun to your gameplay style, learn how to work around the best use of the gun. Kratos and Krantiveer say that learning the sensitivity settings of the gun can be vital to how your game develops and the results you will have. So practice with different guns to go about learning how to use them.

Tip 3: Work on improving your crosshair placement

Battlegrounds Mobile India

Perfect your crosshair placement


Learning to improve your crosshair placement can be hard work but very essential. It is a direct cause-and-effect relationship in the game – you perfect your crosshair placement and you get more headshots. And in turn you chalk up more victories of course. Kratos and Krantiveer say that when working in a team, you will also turn to the player who has the best placement to execute strategies; and that could be you. As a solo player, learning crosshair placement will also help you learn the game better in general.

Tip 4: Define specific roles for teammates and follow them strictly

Battlegrounds Mobile India

Assign roles within your team and stick to them


Once you get the hang of the game as a solo player, learn to distinguish how a team works. The ultimate goal is to win the chicken dinner, and playing as a team with strategies and a clear focus on how to execute them is what will get you that victory. One of the first steps towards this target is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates, and then allow each team member to be resourceful in their particular aspect of the game.

Tip 5: Use smart moves like crouching and drops shots in fights

Movement is a very important part of the game. And style of movement is also highly dependent on the situation. If you are in a gun fight, try using crouching and uncrouching to make it difficult for an opponent to target you. Also use well-timed drop shots (going prone while shooting in a close encounter) to make yourself a difficult target. But Kratos and Krantiveer also warn that overusing crouch and drop shot techniques can make your gameplay predictable and be counterproductive.